Monday, September 21, 2015

Patiently Waiting and Passing Time

Ahhh... I'm still so pregnant, lol. I'm not due until Tuesday so I'm not surprised especially considering Josie's stubborn older sister didn't grace us with her presence until she was 6 days overdue. Part of me is glad she's still baking away as my internal voice is screaming "We're not ready... we're not ready!!!" but physically, I'm so over it. My hands stay numb, my legs hurt, my tummy is huge and sore and Cecilia thinks it makes a great cushion for jumping on. Whew, it's rough!

But aside from that, to pass the time since I can't sleep, I've been working on some things for the etsy shop and I'm trying to increase the amount of "boy" stuff I have listed. I'm a girl mom so I have a bad tendency to make mostly feminine things. I'm working on doing better though. In fact, I'm finishing up some Ninja Turtle, Mario, dinosaur, and airplane themed suck pads tonight... or this morning? It's 3:00 am.

But when I get a little restless and need to give my sewing machine a break, I've been playing around in PSE some more. I made some cute little sewing themed images the other day so I figured I'd share those. Feel free to use them for personal stuff if you'd like... just right click and save!

Until next time!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Things That Happen When I Can't Sleep: Photoshop Edition

As I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy, I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep. Between being generally uncomfortable thanks to a huge belly and a kicky baby and the numbness in my arms from carpal tunnel, sleep has become a bit of a challenge. So last night, as Cecilia went to bed at 8:00pm, I decided to go to sleep early since I was exhausted. It worked great... I was out by 9:00!

But then I was up by 4:00... nice. So with nothing better to do and tingly arms, I started messing around in photoshop elements to see if I could learn something new. This is how I learn to do anything... I just mess around with it until I figure it out myself or I find some lovely online tutorial a smart person put together. Three cheers for smart people on the internet!

One thing I've been trying to figure out is how to make repeating patterns that don't look so repetitious so I can order custom fabrics. I found this great tutorial on YouTube by Bari Ackerman. It was really easy to follow and in the last hour, I made my own "half drop repeating pattern" using a random doodle I did a few days ago and then I made a few color variations. Here's the scan of the original drawing...

And here are the patterns. They're not perfect, but it was my first time and they came out decent enough. I don't think I'd use them for fabric (at all, lol) but they could make a cute little laptop wallpaper or something.

So that was pretty easy and a lot less intimidating than I thought it would be! I can't wait to put some things together with actual plans instead of just a random drawing. And feel free to right click and use these for personal stuff if you'd like. 

Until next time!

Friday, September 4, 2015

A Few Random Things

Time for a pregnancy update! I promise, it's a lot less exciting than it sounds... I'm still pregnant as ever and we have about two and half weeks until Miss Josephine's due date. The husband and I went to the doctor on Monday and I had an ultrasound done since my belly is measuring big. They were worried she might be getting to big but luckily she's in the 63rd percentile so we're just a smidge above average. No big deal at all. Other than that, I'm pretty exhausted thanks to chasing Cece and her wild self and then I'm just really uncomfortable. I didn't gain weight with Cece but I have this time and it's so different. Even my butt has gotten huge... I've never had a butt and it's weird.

Also, I want to give a shout out to Patterns for Pirates... my leggings are made from their Peg Legs pattern and they are pregnant lady love since I can't wear real pants anymore, lol. I've made a couple of pairs of the leggings and a dress using their Boundless pattern. They're super easy to print out and they have great instructions! Definitely a 10/10... would recommend. The dress is not maternity so it looks funny at the moment but it has pockets you guys... glorious, glorious pockets. I think this is going to my post partum kick-around dress!

In preparation for L&D, I've been trying to keep active to work on my stamina but man, it is getting hard! Cece is precocious as she can be and needs A LOT of stimulation to wear her out so we've been going on play dates almost daily with our local SAHM group... except for this week. I've been so tired, we've stayed home mostly and have only been out on one solo adventure to the science center. We have a play date tomorrow so she'll get some good play time in. Which she needs because she never sits down... see...

Speaking of my SAHM group, they are holding a silent auction for a local family with a baby boy named Lathyn. He was diagnosed with an extremely rare illness called Dyskeratosis Congenita which only affects 1 in a million people and has no cure. To help, I donated a gift set that I made that includes wet bags, a tote, suck pads, and a taggie toy and so far it only has one bid but the auction runs until the 12th so hopefully it will get more bids. If anyone wants to help with monetary donations, they have a fundraising page set up on YouCaring. Their family is has been through so much and his medical care has been so costly... they need and deserve all the help they can get.

I think that's all for the moment. We're on baby watch so the next time I update, it might be a birth announcement... I can only hope, lol.

Until next time!