Friday, July 25, 2014

39 Weeks Pregnant!

 Pregnancy Ticker

I just want to share a quick update on the baby front. As of today, I am officially 39 weeks pregnant! I can't believe we finally made it this far... it's been a long road to this point and I can't wait to hold my sweet little girl in my arms. I had my weekly obgyn appointment this afternoon and everything looks great. The doctor said I'm dilated 3 cm and I'm 50% percent effaced (woohoo!) and he expects me to go into labor within the week. She's reeeeeally low now too... I feel like she might fall out at any minute but on the plus side, I can eat and breathe easy without feeling like there's a bowling ball climbing up into my ribcage, lol. So little Cece may become a July baby instead of an August baby but I'll take it... as long as she's ready and healthy, I'm ready!

- Kim

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